Combination of ideas from greater minds, thanks goes to Smitten Kitchen and to Baking Obsession.
! recipe Crepe Batter--> a few mistakes, but ultimately a stack of perfect crepes was achieved.
Aprox. 2 C Fresh Kumquats, candied. ---> (Boil as you would for making jam with about a cup H2O and 2 cups sugar. There will be a lot of syrup, I'm excited for pancakes)
Cream filling--> about a cup of milk, 1 Tbsp corn starch, 1 tbsp grand marnier, few Tbsps Kumquat syrup, and an egg yolk. Heat and whisk everything BUT yolk constantly, until boiling. Turn off heat, spoon a bit into yolk to temper, then whisk egg into main mix. Bring back to boil, reduce, and continue to stir until pudding like consistency is reached. I added about .5-1 full cup ricotta cheese, but I think I would omit this next time.Worked with, but might be better with out. Cool in fridge while making the crepes.
layer the fillings, however you so choose, starting with the kumquats, in a cake pan with a removable bottom. Refrigerate to set, as long as you see fit. Prob a good couple of hours, overnight if possible. Glorious results.
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